SHPL employs a stringent privacy policy to safeguard all your personal identifiable information on this web site. The information that we collect on our website comes under two general categories-

  • 1. Personally Identifiable Information
  • 2. Aggregate Information

    This refers to information that lets us know who you are or things specifically about you.


      You can browse our website without necessarily sharing any Personally Identifiable Information. However, if you want to register with us, you may do so by voluntarily providing your Personally Identifiable Information (name, address, email ID and contact number) for the purpose of assisting you with online registration and future product / service order placement. We might also maintain a record of your contact information to help us provide better services in case you contact us again.


      When you place an order on our website, Personally Identifiable Information (such as name, contact info, order info, online payment details and other transaction info) will be collected for the purpose of processing and delivering your order. We may also provide certain necessary order details to our logistic partners to complete the delivery of the order.


      The Online Payment details including Credit Card Information collected for online shopping is used only to process payments for the orders and, is not retained on our website. The information is securely transmitted to the bank, and we store only the transaction number and amount paid information provided by the bank or the online payment service provider.


      You may voluntarily provide Personally Identifiable Information to participate in occasional surveys, feedback, user polls or to answer questionnaires. This information is used by us to better our products and services. We may also use this information to provide you marketing and promotional material. If you do not wish to receive any such material, you can adjust the setting for the same through a link provided in the email communication or send us an email at [email protected]


    This refers to information that does not distinguish you as a particular individual.

    This information includes your browser and operating system type, your IP address, URL (Uniform Source Locator) of the website that directed you to our site and any search terms you enter on our site. Such information is aggregated by our web server to monitor the activities on the site and evaluate its performance. This helps us improve the features and functions on the website to provide you a satisfactory user experience. We might compile, publish, store, collect, promote, disclose or use any Aggregate Information. We generally do not correlate any Personally Identifiable Information with Aggregate Information. In case we do this, it will be protected as per the terms mentioned for Personally Identifiable Information in this Privacy Policy.

    All your personally identifying information that you provide SHPL, by way of registering yourself as a retail customer or an independent business associate for availing various services provided by us are no more than what would be required by SHPL for administrative and management purposes for providing you with efficient and effective services and experience.

    SHPL respects every individual’s right to privacy and hence it is fully committed to protect your privacy too. SHPL agrees to take every reasonable measure and due care of keeping such information of yours in strict confidentiality and to use them only for the purposes and in furtherance thereof for which the same has been disclosed by you and for legitimate business purposes. SHPL shall not release such information to any outside organizations, except to organization/(s) which is a sponsor of the event / service for which such information has been collected. SHPL shall be entitled to release the requisite personal information for the provision of services to its third-party email service provider for the purposes of sending emails confirming registration, purchases, payments etc. However, SHPL reserves the right to disclose such information if and when required by any court order or a summon or in response to law enforcement and regulatory agency’s request.


    1. The right to use SHPLwebsite is personal to you and is not transferable to any other person or business entity. Each registration is for a single user only as per the terms and conditions of online registration. We do not permit you to share your unique SHPL Tracking ID and Password with any other person or with multiple users on a network. Furthermore, you shall use SHPLwebsite, members’ section, SHPLNews and announcements section and all its services and materials herein strictly for non-commercial purposes only and not indulge in any business activities, other than provided by SHPL.


    1. You may send in your comments or any other general feedback and submit suggestions, ideas, proposals, questions or other information to the management, wherever required or permitted, apart from your personal information you provide to us during the online registration process. Your information is defined to include any information you provide to us in the registration process, in the feedback area or through any e-mail feature, solely to enable SHPLto use the information you supply us with, so that we are not violating any rights you might have in your information, you hereby agree to grant us a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free, sub-licensable right to exercise the copyright, publicity, and database rights (but no other rights) you have in your information, in any media now or known in the future, with respect to your information. SHPLwill only use your information in accordance with this ‘user agreement’.

    2. You represent and warrant that you own or otherwise control all of the rights to the content that you may post or send to us, that the content is accurate, that the use of the content you supply does not violate this policy, rules and regulations and will not cause harm or injury to any person or entity, and that you will indemnify SHPL, its promoters, shareholders, partners, employees and affiliates for all claims resulting from content you post or supply to SHPL. Kindly note, SHPLholds the right but not the obligation to monitor and edit or remove any such activity or content. Further, SHPLtakes no responsibility and assumes no liability for any content posted by you or any third party. It is once again clarified that other than personally identifiable information, which is covered under the Privacy Policy, any materialyou transmit or post to this website will be considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. We will have no obligations with respect to such material.

    3. We may collect the following personally identifiable information about you:

    ✓ Full name including the first, middle and last/ family name

    ✓ Gender and date of birth

    ✓ Contact details such as land line, mobile number & WhatsApp number and email ID

    ✓ Contact details such as postal address with PIN

    ✓ Bank Account details with a cheque image to transfer sales commissions

    ✓ PAN (Permanent Account Number)

    ✓ Aadhar Card

    ✓ Passport Size Photograph

    ✓ Nominee and the relationship with the nominee

    ✓ Financial information (like account or credit / debit card numbers)

    ✓ Other information as per our registration process.

    We may also collect the following information:

    ✓ About the pages you visit /access

    ✓ The links you click on our site

    ✓ The number of times you access the page

    ✓ The number of times you have purchased on our website etc.

    4. You are solely responsible for ‘Your Information’:

    ✓ ‘Your Information’ shall not be false, inaccurate, misleading or fraudulent.

    ✓ Shall not infringe any third party's intellectual property, trade secret or other proprietary rights or rights of publicity or privacy. It shall not be defamatory, libellous, unlawfully threatening or unlawfully harassing.

    ✓ Shall not be indecent, obscene or contain pornography or contain an ‘indecent representation of women’ within the meaning of the Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act, 1986; seditious, offensive, abusive, liable to incite racial or religious hatred, discriminatory, menacing, scandalous, inflammatory, blasphemous, in breach of confidence, in breach of privacy or which may cause annoyance or inconvenience which constitutes or encourages conduct that would be considered a criminal offence, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise be contrary to the law.

    ✓ Or shall not be or include material that is technically harmful (including, without limitation, computer viruses, logic bombs, trojan horses, worms, harmful components, corrupted data or other malicious software or harmful data) or other computer programming routines that may damage, detrimentally interfere with, diminish value of, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data or personal information.

    ✓ Shall not create liability for us or cause us to lose (in whole or in part) the services of our ISPs or other suppliers; and that is in the nature of political campaigning, religious messages, commercial solicitation, chain letters, mass mailings or any form of ‘spam’; or that is illegal in any other way. SHPLreserves the right (but not the obligation) to remove or edit such content but does not regularly review posted content.

    5. You shall abide by all the notices and all the terms and conditions, updated from time to time, contained and mentioned herein in this agreement, in good faith and with due diligence and care.

    6. You shall not use SHPLwebsite, services and/or materials therein for any purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these terms, conditions and notices. You shall not use SHPLwebsite, services and /or materials therein in any manner which could damage, disable, overburden and/or impair SHPLwebsite or any services therein or the network(s) connected to SHPLwebsite and interfere with other user’s use and enjoyment of this SHPLwebsite and/or services therein.

    7. You shall not attempt to gain unauthorized access to any services on SHPLwebsite, other IBA’s virtual office, computer systems or networks connected to SHPLwebsite through hacking, password mining or any other means. You shall not obtain or attempt to obtain any materials or information by any means not intentionally made available to you through SHPLwebsite.

    8. We shall fully co-operate with any law enforcement authorities or court order requesting or directing us to disclose the identity or locate anyone posting any material in breach of clauses or elsewhere. Please be aware that even if you do not give SHPLyour real name, your web browser transmits a unique IP address to us, which can be used by law enforcement officials to identify you.

    9. Certain section of SHPLwebsite may contain content / material submitted by other users. SHPLaccepts no responsibility for the content, accuracy or conformity to applicable laws of such material. Part of SHPLwebsite may contain advertising/other material submitted to SHPLby third parties. Responsibility for ensuring that material submitted for inclusion on this website complies with applicable laws is exclusively on the advertisers and SHPLwill not be responsible for any claim, error, omission or inaccuracy in advertising material. SHPLreserves the right to omit, suspend or change the position of any advertising material submitted for insertion. Acceptance of advertisements on SHPLwebsite, if any, will be subject to SHPLterms and conditions which are available on request.