March Madness: Let is Make it Count! This magical March is a crucial month for everyone, marking the financial year closing of 2024-2025. Let is make it a remarkable one! Put your best foot forward and pour all your efforts into your business. Together, let is make this financial year closing one to remember! Stay focused, stay driven, and let is finish strong! IT IS TIME TO SEAL THE DEAL! We are just a few days away from wrapping up Magical March 2025! Let make this 3rd weekly closing one to remember! Push your sales, drive your numbers, and finish strong!

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Please write to us using the contact form below if you would like to know more about the opportunity, share ideas, give feedback, have complaints, or would simply like to request a catalogue

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Whether it is about a SHPL product-related query or the docket number of your gallery consignment, about KYC update or a business-related query, SHPL Support is ready to serve you with a smile.

Your Query Contact Number Email ID
Any SHPL related Query and Customer Support 1800 1235 911 (Toll Free)
033 – 25737372 (Land Line)
62905 52405 (Kolkata)
81009 97738 (Guwahati)
93104 70632 (Delhi)
82912 86620 (Mumbai)
62919 76542 (Bengaluru)
[email protected]
IBO Query 62919 76547 [email protected]
Online Registration (Sign up)
Online Product Orders
62921 58003 [email protected]
Telephonic Product Orders 75960 64431 (North India)
75960 64430 (Rest of India)
62921 58003 (Rest of India)
Gallery Support (Super Gallery, Gallery & Mini Gallery) 62919 76548 [email protected]
Accounts Related 62919 76550
Business Related
Training Events Related
62922 71873 [email protected]