March Madness: Let is Make it Count! This magical March is a crucial month for everyone, marking the financial year closing of 2024-2025. Let is make it a remarkable one! Put your best foot forward and pour all your efforts into your business. Together, let is make this financial year closing one to remember! Stay focused, stay driven, and let is finish strong! IT IS TIME TO SEAL THE DEAL! We are just a few days away from wrapping up Magical March 2025! Let make this 3rd weekly closing one to remember! Push your sales, drive your numbers, and finish strong!


16 Berries Juice

MRP : 750.00  (Incl. of all taxes)
Product Category : HEALTH & WELLNESS
SKU Code : SKURP-0480
Pack Size : 650 ml
Product Availability : Available

It has strong antioxidant and anticancer effects. Improves liver detoxification, digestion, weight control. Protects skin health. Speeding up wound healing. Purify blood & improve the metabolism systems.

Product Discription

Saarvasri Herbs 16 Berries juice contains all the vitamins, minerals and other phytonutrients present in whole berries. It serves as a source of anthocyanins -- red and purple antioxidants that protect you from the genetic mutations linked to gastrointestinal cancer development. While different types of berry juice offer slightly different nutritional profiles, they share several nutritional similarities all contribute to your good health.



Acai Berry, Blue Berry, Rasp Berry, Cran Berry, Black Berry, Goose Berry, Bil Berry, Goji Berry, Elder Berry, Straw Berry, Mul Berry, Dew Berry, Bay Berry, Crow Berry, Bear Berry, Sea Buckthorn.

Product Benefits

·Very High in Antioxidants

·Protect Against Heart Disease and Diabetes

·Boost Weight Loss

·Promote Digestion

·Enhance Cognitive Functioning

·Improve Cellular Health

·Boost the Immune System

·Increase Energy Levels

·Help Heal Wounds

·Promote Sound Sleep 

·Have Anti-Aging Properties

·Control Pigmentation

·Control Acne 

·Hydrate Your Skin

·Strengthen Hair

Dosage / How to Use?

Take 15-20 ml. twice daily mixed with half glass of water before meal or as directed by Experts.


Make sure to read the label before using. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Don't exceed the recommended amount. Keep it out of children's reach. Store in a cool, dry spot away from sunlight. Keep away from heat, light, and moisture. To be used above the age of 12 years. If pregnant or breastfeeding, or in emergency, ask a physician before use.

Additional Information

Manufactured & Packed By:


JI-27, Maoza-Badoi, Gram-Bandipur, Thana-Ghola,

North 24 Parganas, West Bengal-700110

FSSAI Lic. No. : 12823999000082


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