March Madness: Let is Make it Count! This magical March is a crucial month for everyone, marking the financial year closing of 2024-2025. Let is make it a remarkable one! Put your best foot forward and pour all your efforts into your business. Together, let is make this financial year closing one to remember! Stay focused, stay driven, and let is finish strong! IT IS TIME TO SEAL THE DEAL! We are just a few days away from wrapping up Magical March 2025! Let make this 3rd weekly closing one to remember! Push your sales, drive your numbers, and finish strong!

PERSONAL CARE SKIN CARE Transparent Bathing Soap

Transparent Bathing Soap

MRP : 60.00  (Incl. of all taxes)
Product Category : PERSONAL CARE
Sub-Category : SKIN CARE
SKU Code : SKURP-0530
Pack Size : 100gm
Product Availability : Available

Product Discription

DESCRIPTION : SHPL Transparent  soap enriched with the goodness of Glycerin, jojoba,coconut, and caster oil which moisturizes your skin and prevent over drying. This mild soap's ingredients doesn't irritate your skin but can helps to lock skin's moisture which are often stripped during the bathing process, whether from hot water or harsh product. 

KEY INGREDIENTS : Glycerin, Jojoba  oil,Coconut oil, Caster oil.


  • Maintain skin's PH levels. 
  • Making skin soft and supple.
  • Controls lossing skin's own moisture and elasticity. 
  •  prevent roughness and skin's rashes

HOW TO APPLY :  Apply Transparent soap generously work up a lather,massage and rinse it off.


Product Benefits
Dosage / How to Use?


Additional Information