Plant a Tree Campaign
Whether you like it or not, global warming is for real. All of us are literally facing the scorching heat due to the collective injustice we have done to this planet earth, first and foremost by cutting down trees. As a part of its Corporate Social Responsibility initiative, SHPL plans to create massive social awareness about the need to nurture the existing ecosystem. It also has specific action-plan to plant thousands of trees by partnering with like-minded associates. As a responsible wellness organization, SHPL is dedicated to preserve Mother Nature to help all of lead a natural life.

To preserve this planet earth as a better place to live in, trees are vital. Trees and plants create an ecosystem to provide habitat and food for human beings, animals and birds. They make oxygen that helps us stay alive. They store carbon, reduce ozone layers, stabilize the soil and give life to the world's wildlife, apart from providing us with the materials for tools and shelter. Their ability confiscates carbon helping it remove carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases and ozone from the air, which cools the earth. One large tree can supply a day's supply of oxygen for four people.
But, what have we done today, in the name of urbanization and development?
Destruction of plants, trees and forests have created numerous environmental catastrophes, including altering local rainfall patterns, accelerating soil erosion, causing the flooding of rivers, cracks in the ozone layer, global warming and threatening millions of species of plants, animals and insects with extinction. The main causes of deforestation are expansion of agricultural and industrial needs, population growth, poverty, consumer demand and landlessness. Despite increased public awareness and a large number of initiatives, deforestation is still continuing in most of the world including India.
Did you know this? There are about 20,000 tree species in the world. India has one of the largest tree treasuries in the world followed by the US. California Bristlecone Pines and Giant Sequoias are regarded as the oldest trees and have been living since 4,000 to 5,000 years. Trees grow from the top and not from the bottom as is commonly believed and they receive an estimated 90% of their nutrition from the atmosphere and only 10% from the soil.

Approximately 45% of India's land is degraded. India has the 10th largest forest cover (23%) in the world at 68 million hectares. In spite of rich biodiversity with more than 45,000 plants 10% flora and fauna are on the threatened list and many are on the verge of extinction. Cutting down forests is contributing almost 20% of the greenhouse gases entering the atmosphere. India contributes 5% to global CO2 emissions. So, to make up for the loss of trees in the last decade, the world would need to plant trees over an area of 130 million hectares. This would entail planting 14 billion trees every year for 10 consecutive years, i.e., 2 saplings for every person on Earth. Well, they say the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The next best time is now. At SHPL, we will be in action soon.